About Us
Our Story
Datacultr is a global Digital Operating System for risk management and debt collections, it drives collection efficiencies and reduces delinquencies and Non-Performing Loans (NPLs). Datacultr is a digital-only provider of consumer engagement, recovery and collection solutions, helping consumer lending, retail, telecom, and Fintech organizations since 2019.
World over unbanked and underbanked people remain excluded from the fold of formal credit because of various reasons, the primary being lack of credit scores & collaterals. This happens because the majority of this population is not in the organized sector, a minuscule of them pay taxes & it’s impossible to get their business & income data. In such a scenario, a very small population has access to formal credit. Since financial institutions are unable to assess risk they are unable to cater to this segment.
Globally around 33% adult population is covered by credit bureaus, another 5% have a digital footprint that’s credible and can be used for building a risk profile, and the balance 62% are ‘Credit Dark’ who lack any digital footprint, or financial know-how Datacultr’s platform makes the underserved and unbanked segment viable, for providers of Buy Now Pay Later, Micro-Loans, Nano-Loans, and other unsecured loans.
Datacultr is also helping millions of new-to-credit consumers across emerging markets access formal credit and begin their journey toward financial health.
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Contact us to discover how our risk management and digital debt collection solutions can help you grow your business
Global Award-Winning Platform

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